Pergunte ao perito


Sudden Weight Gain


My son has recently put on a lot of weight and I am very concerned about it. I always thought that he should be small in stature, but he has gotten very large.

Resposta dos nossos peritos

I have seen several children with CdLS suddenly gain a lot of weight. Because it is atypical, I would recommend checking several entities before disregarding it. I would recommend having your doctor conduct an abdominal exam, thyroid function studies, a complete blood count and perhaps a urinalysis to make sure that there is nothing treatable going on. If all is normal, I would check with a nutritionist and discuss eating habits, calories, and increasing activity. In addition, check to see if he has been put on a medication recently that could be causing weight gain

CP/ TK 7-13-10

SEE ALSO: Obesity, 
Weight Gain and Aging, 
Weight Gain 2, 
Weight Gain 1, 
Weight Gain

A resposta é verificada e válida para
Encontrar outras páginas que partilhem o mesmo tópico que esta página Weight Management in Adulthood1 Weight Management in Adulthood3


Weight Management in Adulthood

Specific attention to diet and stimulation of activities are recommended as obesity can occur.

Relatação legal

Por favor note que o Pergunte ao perito service/ é composto por profissionais voluntários em várias áreas de foco. As respostas não são consideradas uma consulta médica, comportamental, ou educacional. Perguntar ao Perito não substitui os cuidados e atenção que o médico pessoal, psicólogo, consultor educacional, ou assistente social do seu filho pode prestar.

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